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Form the set of all compact product design and development to system problems will be present for
the groundbreaking way. In other words, we will support for progress in the development of
the system while missing, due to an error in a product developed for engineers who are suffering with
the cool resolve, customers will create a desired specification of the system.
Insopack co., Ltd. has many years of product development experience, accumulated technology.
With this knowhow, we will provide support on the basis of the customer's request for products and
systems developed to meet specification requirements desired by the customer will provide
the best results.

        1) Antena and wireless signal processing
        - VHF, UHF band, etc.

        2) Main controller
        - Network management using ARM Series, C8051 Series, etc.

        3) Data / Voice / Video signal processing
        - Applies DSP design or audio / video codec

        4) Power unit
        - Power design according to the environment (phase power and battery apply)

        5) Equipment and cables
        - Applied to the inner environment as MIL SPEC

Head office : (39408) 302, MHK B/D, 5 Indong 20-gil, Gumi-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Republic of Korea
TEL :1544-9013 / 054-473-1231 FAX : 054-473-5231